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"You dont need a reason to help some one, unless that some one is spreading a mean ass rumour about you."

Welcome to my Site hope you have fun

This site is for the under gound rebelian of online gorillian warfare called Valor. I update this site very month this site is Valor central. We are dedicated to bringing down the dictating opressors Terra. We have been around for a year and still going strong. Thanks to my buddies, Broul, Wilkan, Corus, Enfur, Chrono, Bastellus, Orangemeanie, Silverdragon, and my buddys from the Goldenleaf inn. We are Valor we have many members especially from Maine.

America's Army: Operations

WOW the army made a computer game, to recruit gamers and get them interested in the military.A good game and a worse idea.In my opinion it seems like a good idea but there trying to recruit obsessed gamers. The average obsessed gamer is a either fat or skinny, almost always pale, and a is a real loser. Most gamers they get should be more suited playing with there computer, than with an AK47. Strategists? Maybe, but it was directed to recruit soldiers.As far as the game goes its great, you go on mission's assault and stealth. You can make your own regiment with other gamers and fight other regiments all over America.You get a rank in your squad, like Private, Corporal, Sergeant, and Lieutenant.Not to mention you position you can be radio man, medic, almost any thing.After playing this game I will determined to join a regiment.My buddy Ethan had already started one, the Embers they specialize in training beginners.He is a ranking Lieutenant and the teams Squad leader he gave me the position of Fire team leader a second in command position. After his character die's I get to lead the squad but I am only a Sergeant in the game. The Embers have three fire teams Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. Each one has a Sergeant in charge of it.I lead Alpha we carry out the mane objective.Mike King leads Bravo they handle ranged combat and snipping objectives.And the ever deceitful Zack Sulivan leads Charlie they handle close combat and back up. (A word of advise to all charlie team members DON'T GET IN ZACK'S WAY. He is a shoot first ask questions later guy. If you bug him or insult him he WILL shoot you. So behave.I give America's army a 9.5

Sports I do... and some times suck at.

Hockey the great Canadian past time, it is an awesome sport that helps your balance. The best I would have to say is rafting, up here in Maine near Canada there are three rivers the Panobscot, the Dead, and the Kenebek Rivers that intersect. I have been rafting the Kenebek since I was 3 and havent stopped, there is a point that lets beginers on called Carybrook all the great rapids are at the top so the brook aint for me or any one who enjoys water in there face. Try rafting with Adventure Bound we'll take you down the river really well. Snowboarding and agressive inline are two other awesome sports. I normally dont like to talk about my self but my friends insisted.

Good games

Try Halo, Grand theft auto3, and the thing.

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This is my Dragon he ate my neigbor
Video games are awesome this dragon isnt one I down loaded it you can down load it to just save it off this page. Halo2, B.C, project ego look like good futre games.

Some Pictures

I have a few pictures in there.
