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Paintball Page

This is all about the paintball team I am on The Crazed Renagades, Paintball guns, and paintball in general.
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Hehehe Paintball Goood
Just a GIF I made (thanks to my friends) when our left right center-man Jared was begging paintball. He fired a hopper a round and wouldnt hit any thing. Plus he would shoot the air trying to confuse our oponents it made him a perfect target. But he is better now.
The symbol for the team only I colored it wrong.
I was suposed to color it bright green. But this will do, for now.
Here is my gun a tippman 98 custom.
I am trying to get a flatline barel.
Here is a badge I hope to win.
I think you get it when you win the young guns championship.
He looks like my brother.
You know minous two feet!
The best GIF My friends made!
It took forever to make but it was worth it!
Here we see one of the spokes people for brass eagle!
We could see them if they wherent covered in paint.